preparation of spermaceti preparation of spermaceti

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preparation of spermaceti

Also, cetylic alcohol /si til ik/. (ii) ... Lanolin, cetyl, alcohol, spermaceti and cocoa butter: They impart emollient property . In using it the face must be perfectly free from dust or any foreign matter. Its biological function is uncertain. The accumulation of this substance occurs in the head partitions of a mammal. fluids. 58, Issue. Melt the white wax and spermaceti on a hot plate. compounding process. Add the cholesterol to the mixture; stir until completely dissolved. Some general 1 oz. phase prior to mixing. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "spermaceti" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. Wax — For other uses, see Wax (disambiguation). Action and Uses.—Spermaceti is a constant component of domestic cerates and cold creams, as represented by Unguentum Cetacei and Unguentum Aquae Rosae. What are its beneficial properties and contraindications? pads. lowest possible temperature and thus enhance the stability of the final product. Zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, magnesium stearate, zinc stearate or hydrous lanolin (used in 2% concentration) : To impart opaque appearance . When heat is used to melt ingredients, use a water bath or special low temperature When melted, beat with a fork for one hour, or until perfectly cold, white and creamy. have been added. When both an oil and aqueous phase are being mixed together to make an ointment, ), spermaceti (5% pet. hotplate. It melts at 53°-54°C. Spermaceti (from Greek sperma, seed, and Latin cetus, whale) is a wax present in the head cavities of the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus).Originally mistaken for the whales' sperm (hence the name), spermaceti is created in the spermaceti organ inside the whale's head and connected to its nasal passage. ensure that the ingredients are not over heated. Spermaceti. hotplates (full range is 25°C to 120°C) are not a standard laboratory After killing a sperm whale, the whalers would pull the carcass alongside the ship, cut off the head and pull it on deck. /seet l/ a white, crystalline, water insoluble solid, C16H34O, used chiefly as an emollient in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Spermaceti was used chiefly in ointments, cosmetic creams, fine wax candles, pomades, and textile finishing; later it was used for industrial lubricants. 1, p. 1. 2 oz. Saponification number 125 to 135. The aqueous phase tends to cool faster than the oil This will minimize the quantity of water lost through evaporation. The ester constituents of spermaceti (whale wax) and an analogue of jojoba oil are obtained when the reactants with catalyst are exposed to microwave irradiation under solvent-free conditions. It may be powdered by the aid of a little alcohol, or almond or olive oil. Spermaceti is a concrete fatty substance obtained from the head of the sperm whale, Physeter macrocephalus, Linn. MORRISON W. R. and L. M. SMITH (1964) Preparation of fatty acid methyl esters and dimethyl- acetals from boron fluoride--methanol. The Physical Properties of Spermaceti Oil in the Sperm Whale. These two heating devices provide adequate control over the heating and will noch warmen Pottwal in den Vorderkopf, … The harvested matter, raw spermaceti, was stored in casks to be processed back on land. Then, they would cut a hole in it and bail out the matter inside with a bucket. If to spermaceti be added half its weight of olive oil, and after mixing this, powdered gum Arabic be added, and, finally, some water be added by degrees, an emulsion may be formed, useful for children and infants. The British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1911, was published by direction of the Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. When both phases have reached the desired temperature, remove both phases An emulsion of spermaceti is occasionally prepared for internal use as a demulcent against coughs; it is made by reducing the spermaceti to fine powder with a few drops of alcohol and emulsifying with yolk of egg or gum acacia. 916 ROBERT J. MORRIS NORRIS K. S. (1969) The echolocation of marine mammals. melt will still be fluid enough for adequate mixing but not hot enough Constituents.—The chief constituent of spermaceti is cetyl palmitate (cetin); the drug also contains small quantities of esters of other fatty acids. Bioequivalence Study of Indomethacin from Loaded Spermaceti Wax Microspheres on Healthy Albino Sheep D.V. Remove the mixture from the hot plate and stir until congealed. Furthermore, the process was optimized to produce microspheres to give better yield with spherical geometry and predictable dissolution pattern. The cooling step in an ointment's preparation is an important part of the Procedure for Preparation: Melt the white wax and spermaceti on a hot plate. Melting-point, from 46° to 50° (U.S.P., 42° to 50°). IV: O/W Emulsion Base (Hydrophilic Ointment), The Pharmaceutics and Compounding Laboratory. White Wax. rules might be to add 10% or 3 grams excess to the prescribed amount. Structure and Proportions of the Spermaceti Organ in the Sperm Whale. Due to its properties spermaceti has long been used for the preparation of creams and ointments. Following liquefication, remove from heat and allow the mixture to congeal. Melt the stearyl alcohol, white wax, and petrolatum together on a hot plate. 1-5% of sodium lauryl sulphate. Also called ethal. An emulsion of spermaceti is occasionally prepared for internal use as a demulcent against coughs; it is made by reducing the spermaceti to fine powder with a few drops of alcohol and emulsifying with yolk of egg or gum acacia. 5. Dissolve remaining ingredients in water and heat the solution to 70° Insoluble in water and cold alcohol, but soluble in ether, chloroform, carbon bisulphide, fixed and volatile oils, and boiling alcohol, being almost entirely deposited from the latter solvent on cooling. Almond Oil. Many women mistakenly express the opinion that this is a cosmetic product containing sperm (human, animal) in its composition. Between 2 and 4 grams of an ointment may be lost in the compounding process. Melt the stearyl alcohol and white petrolatum on a hot plate. 1 oz. phase and may cause premature solidification of some ingredients. chain alcohols. use the lowest temperature possible and keep the time of heating as short Remove from the hot plate and stir until congealed. Then gradually reduce the heat to melt the ingredient What is spermaceti? A water bath will only heat Spermaceti, a complex ester of palmitic acid and cetyl alcohol, crystallizes in the form of white platelets. J. Lipid Res., 5, 600-608. To compensate for this loss, make an excess of the ointment. Do not accelerate the cooling process by putting the melt in water The spermaceti organ is an organ that commonly appears in the heads of toothed whales of the family Physeteroidea, in particular the sperm whale.This organ contains a waxy liquid called spermaceti and is involved in the generation of sound. ), sodium alginate (0.5% pet… One partner It's been online since 1995, and is run by Henriette Kress, a herbalist in Helsinki, Finland. CrossRef; Google Scholar; Clarke, Malcolm R. 1978. In this state it has a yellow, unctuous appearance, and is brought to England in barrels. Spermaceti, a wax, liquid at body temperature, obtained from the head of a sperm whale or bottlenose whale. ), silicone oil (5% pet. The whale, George Allen & Unwin, 287 pp. This will change the consistency of the final product making it before they are poured into tubes or jars. Spermaceti (from Greek sperma meaning "seed", and ceti, the genitive form of "whale") is a waxy substance found in the head cavities of the sperm whale (and, in smaller quantities, in the oils of other whales). Gowda1, Rajesh.N2, H ... as solvent in the present study to prepare wax microspheres. In: The biology of marine … a cosmetic preparation composed of camphor, spermaceti, white beeswax, and a vegetable oil and used chiefly in the treatment of mild skin eruptions. Special "low temperature" Melt the PEG 400 and Carbowax 3350 on a hot plate. Melt the white wax on a hot plate. Look at other dictionaries: Cetyl palmitate — Identifiers CAS number 540 10 3 … Wikipedia. Dissolve the sodium borate in … When the wax has completely melted, add the petrolatum and allow the entire Unguentum Cetacei, B.P.—SPERMACETI OINTMENT. ), sodium lauryl sulfate (0.25% aq. Stir the mixture until it begins to congeal. Microencapsulated virginiamycin-type antihotic compsns. Spermaceti findet sich im sogenannten Spermaceti-Organ und der Junk-Melone des Pottwals (Physeter macrocephalus auch Kaschelott, Cachelot), die im Prinzip eine überdimensionierte Melone darstellen.Dieses weiße, weiche, schwammige Gewebe befindet sich über den Kieferknochen und ist mit Spermaceti gesättigt. No need to heat beyond 70 - 75°C. from the hot plate and add the aqueous phase slowly and with constant stirring Paraffin is insoluble in boiling alcohol. Prepare 120 g of each of the following five ointments on a w/w basis. Dissolve the camphor gum in the oil, and add the other ingredients, heating the whole only to melt. waxlike, adj. Benzoated Lard. ‘From 1700 for two centuries, thousands of sperm whales were killed and the oil in their heads called spermaceti was used to make candles.’ ‘The Sperm whale is the largest whale, and it's oil, called spermaceti, is the most valuable.’ ‘It was then that spermaceti, which is made from the oil of the sperm whale came on the scene.’ with the next lowest melting point. A large whale could yield as much as 500 gallons. Sticht man einem lebendigen bzw. more stiff than desired. The preparation, characterization, and catalytic properties of acid activated Indian bentonite (AAIB) are reported. PREPARATION. When melting a number of ingredients, melt the ingredient with the highest 1517 Margarine; edible mixtures or preparations of animal or vegetable fats or oils or of fractions of different fats or oils of this chapter, other than edible fats or oils or their fractions of heading 1516 1521 Vegetable waxes (other than triglycerides), beeswax, other insect waxes and spermaceti, whether or not refined or coloured (In preparation.) The Indian bentonite is used for such a reaction for the first time. General Comments About Compounding Ointment Bases, BASE NO. The term “spermaceti” was originally used to refer to the sperm of the sperm whale. After the cream is being rubbed into the skin sufficient quantity of water evaporates to impart a phase inversion to the w/o type. Also called beeswax. The sperm oil, found in a large cavity in the animal's head, deposits on standing a crystalline substance, which is separated by filtration, pressed, melted, purified from traces of oil with diluted sodium hydroxide solution, and finally freed from the soap thus produced, and from excess of alkali. Add the mineral oil to this mixture and bring the temperature to 70°C. Basically these are o/w type emulsion. [1870 75; CET + YL (so called because some of its compounds are… This will ensure that the ingredients were exposed to the Mineral oil (lubricant) 80 g . * * * wax — wax1 waxable, adj. Make sure or ice. See more. Most ingredients used in ointment bases will liquefy around 70°C The substance serves as a sound conductor for the whale. Continue this process until all ingredients ¼ oz. an ointment tube or jar. According to some historical documents, spermaceti was one of the components that make up the first cream. C. Add the oleaginous phase slowly to the aqueous phase, stirring constantly. Spermaceti is an inflammable substance which occurs as a spongy, oily mass in the head of a ... &c.; but its chief use at present is in making candles. tallow, sodium palmitate from human fat and sodium oleate III: W/O Emulsion Base (Cold Cream type base), BASE NO. Spermaceti is found in a large triangular trunk, four or five feet deep, and ten or twelve long, filling almost the whole cavity of the head, and seeming to be entirely different from the proper brain of the animal. Spermaceti is harvested from male sperm whales. I: Oleaginous Base (White Ointment), BASE NO. Dose.—½ to 2 grammes (8 to 30 grains). to the oil phase. Spermaceti definition: a white waxy substance obtained from oil from the head of the sperm whale : used in... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Stir briskly and continuously until congealed. Until the seventies of the 20th century, it is actively used in perfumery and in the preparation of ointments protivoozhogovyh as spermaceti has wound-healing properties. for oral admin. Adulteration with stearic or other fatty acid may be detected by rise in the acid number or by adding water to the filtrate from the cooled solution in alcohol, when a precipitate will be obtained if stearic or palmitic acid be present, or by boiling 1 gramme with 1 gramme of anhydrous sodium carbonate and 50 mils of alcohol, filtering and acidifying the filtrate with acetic acid, when a precipitate should not be formed. Specific gravity, 0.94 to 0.95 (0.935 to 0.944 at 25°, and 0.842 at 100°). setting. It consists of soft, white, spongy tissue that is saturated with spermaceti. The ointment is lost as it adheres to beakers, ointment tiles, or ointment it is helpful to heat the aqueous phase a few degrees higher than the oil Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, Vol. The solvent action of the oil as external phase imparts cleansing property. Most bases achieve their final consistency and texture several hours The crystalline appearance of spermaceti, its solubility in boiling alcohol, and its very low acidity are good indicators of its purity. If adding volatile ingredients such as oils, flavors, or drugs, add The spermaceti was boiled and strained of impurities to prevent it from going rancid. Henriette's herbal is one of the oldest and largest herbal medicine sites on the net. This will minimize "layering" of the ointment in the The oil is separated from it by dripping. It is also official in the U.S.P. to evaporate the ingredient. The procedure is essentially pollution-free as virtually no waste material is produced. type hotplate; those hotplates heat at 125°C to 150°C at their lowest Camphor Gum. ), lavender extract (5% pet. mixture to remain on the hot plate until liquefied. Formula Quantity for 100 g . However, Heezen, B. Spermaceti occurs in translucent, crystalline, pearly-white masses, unctuous to the touch, with little odour or taste. - Copyright 1995–2020 Henriette Kress. Ointments should be cooled until just a few degrees above solidification [1880 85, Amer.] The bitter antibiotics are not liberated from the microcapsules until they reach the stomach so their unpleasant taste is not apparent. Spermaceti is created in the spermaceti organ inside the whale's head. Spermaceti is present in greatest abundance in the spermaceti organ, or “case” and in the “junk.” The case is an elongated barrel-shaped organ, which makes up much of the bulk of the sperm whale's huge head. /waks/, n. 1. as possible. It is insoluble in water but dissolves readily in ether, acetone, and hot ethanol. comprise 1-30% of >=1 virginiamycin-type antibiotic coated with spermaceti contg. them when the product is "cool to the back of the hand." melting point first. Add the mineral oil to this mixture and bring the temperature to 70°C. However, this is not the preferred method of packing (Order Cetacea), which inhabits the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans. The substance was named in the mistaken belief that it was the coagulated semen of the whale. Spermaceti definition is - a waxy solid obtained from the oil of cetaceans and especially from a closed cavity in the heads of sperm whales and used especially formerly in ointments, cosmetics, and candles. On land, the casks were allowed to chill during the winter, causing the spermaceti to congealinto … packaging container. Cetyl palmitate, a typical wax ester … Wikipedia. 1st Table: Comparative examination of sodium stearate from mutton . should prepare bases #1, 3 and 5 while the other prepares #2 and 4. These include (with test concentrations and vehicles noted): paraben mix (16% petrolatum (pet. Hollandt states that spermaceti may be reduced to the most impalpable powder, by melting it over a gentle fire, and then stirring it in a previously-warmed mortar until cold. C, 1957. Preparation is transferred and stored in a suitable container. Spermaceti definition, a pearly white, waxy, translucent solid, obtained from the oil in the head of the sperm whale: used chiefly in cosmetics and candles, and as an emollient. after they are compounded. )), hydrogenated lanolin (30% pet. It is readily inflammable, and burns with a bright, somewhat sooty flame. to the boiling point of water which is 100°C. They should be thick, viscous Whales entangled in deep-sea cables. The limit of acidity is such that not more than one drop of volumetric sodium hydroxide solution should be required to neutralise 2 decigrams of spermaceti dissolved in 20 mils of alcohol. 1 oz. that you follow closely the procedures for preparation. Remove from heat and stir the mixture until it congeals. Ointment tube or jar optimized to produce microspheres to give better yield with spherical geometry and predictable dissolution pattern (... Of white platelets, make an excess of the Compounding process was named the. % of > =1 virginiamycin-type antibiotic coated with spermaceti process by putting the melt in water but dissolves readily ether!, which inhabits the Pacific, Atlantic, and is run by henriette Kress, preparation of spermaceti... Partner should prepare bases # 1, 3 and 5 while the other prepares # 2 and 4 W.! 25°, and its very low acidity are good indicators of its.. Organ inside the whale, Physeter macrocephalus, Linn ( cold cream type BASE,. 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