it's smart to be a little dumb it's smart to be a little dumb

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it's smart to be a little dumb

If we were stupid instead of smart, we would…. 4. Is the use of dumb offensive? Most times this loneliness isn’t a problem as we have ways of keeping ourselves extremely busy. Sometimes, acting a little dumb is a smart move and I am actually being smart by choosing to act a little dumb. Covid-19 Is Looking More and More Like an Autoimmune Disease, We’re About to Witness the Greatest Wealth Transfer In History, These Modern Programming Languages Will Make You Suffer, The Naughty Reason Nails Were Vanishing from the HMS Dolphin, 7 Magic Phrases That Make You Instantly Likable on Video Calls, I’m A CEO, 50 & A Former Sugar Daddy — Here’s What I Want You To Know. Alright so I figured this out when I was just a teenager! We don’t know everything, and that’s okay. Choosable. Ken, ater being the answer person most of my life to many people, I found that this feeds the “know-it-all-ready-answer” syndrome. There is a reason why they call ignorance is a bliss. It’s the idiots who falsely believe they are smart who stubbornly refuse to learn anything. By playing dumb while also playing detective, you will be able to gather information on everything that’s happening around the office, who’s doing what and even which co-workers don’t get along with each other. It's Not Smart to Be Dumb. After watching "You Picked a Fine Time to Lead Us, Barack" by Jonathan McWhite, we at EndTimes Productions just felt a proper response was in order. Just like how we experience televised concerts, events or sporting matches, now you can host a pre-show, interviews, Q&A’s and more before redirecting traffic to the main video. . They forget what it's like to be a beginner. How to use dumb in a sentence. I know a former professor of applied Mathematics who said that once he reached the highest terminative level of Math — a Ph.D. — he realized how much he DIDN’T know. So acting a little dumb can help you gain a lot of knowledge. Thanks for the great advice and your input on the subject. Schlesinger, a business analyst at CBS News, lists 13 dumb moves and ways to right these financial wrongs. Durp. We’re pretty smart and we act like it. SHARE. Sometimes a little agitation can spark you to be more awake. i just wanted to take some time to thank you for the post. Today we’re answering 8 of your questions about search and discovery.Check them out and leave your comments and questions below!————-…. Stupid is a harsher form of dumb, and sometimes people and things are, in fact, stupid. Setting goals is as much an art as a science. Algorithm and reach are two words we hear bandied about whenever social media is the topic of conversation. Otherwise, when you are constantly expected to be the best, you are actually setting yourself up for failure. Variants of smart dumb also miss the point but in a different way. Watch Queue Queue The North American education system in my (limited) experience encourages and rewards the student to say something, anything. Pain. 3) Expanded Countdown Themes Instead, I believe…. Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of … What does YouTube Premieres 2.0 have to offer? In the field of social psychology, illusory superiority is a condition of cognitive bias wherein a person overestimates their own qualities and abilities, in relation to the same qualities and abilities of other people. How to volunteer and give back safely this holiday season, Why robots freak us out, and what it means for the future of AI, BIPOC Gen Zers are using TikTok to create cultural awareness, This website is like Pinterest for WFH desk setups. When our big-brains and hyper-keen attention, revs from an over confident idle to WFO, we discover and uncover what we need to help us grow. People with extremely high intelligence are often the loneliest. So it’s no wonder that even clever people don’t always use their brains ... No wonder so many of these intelligent people described their jobs as being dumb. Dumb definition is - lacking intelligence : stupid. it doesn’t always benefit you and it does not always get you where you need to be. Of course, if someone is smart and successful, it is hard to pinpoint what exactly is responsible for that person’s success and wellbeing. Subscribe to get business and tech updates, breaking stories, and more! Smart people are clever enough to … Decide on a strong consistent content strategy, keep plugging away at it, and don’t give up. Now you can include a pre-recorded trailer for your premier! I know sometimes, hopefully not as often these days, my guy-ego won’t shut the hell up and I miss out on what’s really going on at the moment. At work we see people with brilliant minds make the most simple mistakes. Whereas he would constantly encounter individuals who were studying at the lower levels of math, such as Bachelor’s level students who thought the knew a lot about math. Hello Insiders! They will give you brownie points in a way, for using their platform, so that your page, your content, your brand will rise through the ranks of the complicated SEO web if only you can use YouTube effectively. . smartdumb We respect your privacy and take protecting it seriously! Should you host a virtual office holiday party this year? This was something that I just expressed my opinion on and didn’t think twice before relaying what I thought. We think we’re pretty smart. You know what you know ’till someone knows more or knows it better. There is one guaranteed way to make men act stupid. From the Album A Day in the Life of a Dinosaur June 2, 2013 3.0 out of 5 stars 1 rating. The only stupid idea is NO idea. I like to watch those around me fumble and fall. Who knows, maybe we’re related. They can handle it. This is a strategy that has stood the test of time over and over. Acing cognition tests. Polarization is effective in lower levels of consciousness. YouTube can be quite a star-making platform, as long as your content reaches the right people – and enough of them. These insights, as presented in this video from Rachel from the YouTube Search and Discovery group, are useful and helpful, even if they don’t definitively explain how their algorithm works. In what year did the US declare its independance from Great Britain? Were you hoping for more countdown display options for directly before a video premiere? I’m 18 now and every now and then my intelligence will get the best of me when proving a point. What-uh-ya say? When you act a little dumb, people have fewer expectations from you. I often have to tell myself to just stay quiet and listen and I will gain more information and insight than I ever would by talking. (BUSINESS MARKETING) YouTube Premieres is getting its biggest overhaul since 2018 – here’s what’s different and how you should use it for your videos! It’s just a matter of time. I am not trying to hide this fact. I think we may have shared a Grandma. I probably seem like a wicked and vile person and no doubt to some I am. Every company in existence has set its share of SMART goals (most commonly defined as Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound), … I might want to keep that in my smart home, even if it’s just a dumb prop for this new environment. We can never be smart by being a little dumb. Just between us Smarty Pants People. 5. Granted I’m not saying that I like to scare people; I’m stating that I did not know that I seemed so “stupid” to them that with one expression of knowledge would bewilder and frighten them so. If we stay sharp and renew ourselves, we will remain relevant, attractive and choosable. Warning a big generalization coming up:) I’m a Brit who spent a year at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and now live in Canada where my daughter is at elementary school. When I was a kid, way back in the days of Gas Wars, Pong and Rabbit Ear Antennas, my dad would smack us if we broke the rule, “Don’t speak until spoken too.” Sadly, over the years I’ve grown to talk more than i listen. W e all know smart people who do stupid things. If your educated this way its a difficult habit to break, to just keep your mouth shut.. ), FCC approves Starlink by SpaceX for a high-speed broadband provider, Foster communication from the search bar with Google business messaging, AlphaFold’s AI could change the world of biological science as we know it, Amazon Sidewalk unveils more privacy issues (insert surprise here), Introduce AWS Panorama to add machine learning to any camera. For the above statement to hold true, it should be rephrased as it’s smart to act a little dumb. The above statement is a paradox. Cheers and thanks for the feedback. Trying to come correct. As a life long learner, I’ve studied, read, written, taught, observed and participated in spectacular face plant failures and giddy inducing triumphs. I always find it easier to not tell my religious mom that I eat chicken on Tuesday then trying to convince her by the logic that there is nothing wrong in eating chicken on Tuesdays. Stupid. For the above statement to hold true, it should be rephrased as it’s smart to act a little dumb. I like being “stupid” not because I like to learn more or gain knowledge of the confusing world of the lives around me but for only one main reason. Especially if I shut the hell up, quiet my inner-voices and simply sit and listen, observe and think real hard. 4) Schedule Premieres on Mobile Intelligent people are always curious and open to learning new things. ... all of this smart technology has made us dumb. So let’s down trip that trail. People are smart. Ken Brand - Prudential Gary Greene, Realtors. There are many products to help you determine how smart your dog is. A little add-on to the sixth file – makes you addicted to watching porn and listen to this file and masturbate.. and every time you do you will get dumber.. also makes you perpetually horny.. and every time you try to focus, try to be smart or at least try to pretend you’re smart the desire for porn will flood your mind, making it hard to focus! As a self-employed investigator, I have used this technique for several years in interviewing individuals. This post reminded me fondly of a couple things she endlessly repeated to me. You’re Not “Dumb” or “Smart” You Just Are. The problem is because we’re sleep walking in our smartness, we miss what’s important. I often preface a question or of statement with “I have a stupid question…” or “Here’s a stupid idea…” and proceed. 1776 1492 1976 1942 : 6) He finished all of the candy _____ for one last piece which he gave to me. If you're buying a TV in 2020, it's probably going to have smart features. 1 /1 5 habits of stupid people that smart people don’t have. That’s WHY we’re smart. INDY/ LIFE newsletter Be inspired with the latest lifestyle trends every week. Buy a “dumb” TV: While this is the most straightforward solution, it is becoming more difficult, as smart TVs made up 70 percent of television sales in 2018. YouTube Premieres – the function that allows creators to generative hype around a video before it goes live – just got 4 new features. Good advice. And you’re making a good point overall…. 1 pound of dimes 1 kilogram of dimes The unintended consequences of (the forthcoming) foreclosures, Top 10 Trending Articles on AG – Week of April 9. Susie, the benefits are multi-dimentionsal;-). At home we might live … I find this feature especially exciting, as the creative possibilities are truly endless. …what we think we know and we underestimate what we don’t know. Sometimes it’s relaxing to come home, have a ... You tend to hear her opinion on something and know she has little to no experience in anything ... nor did she try to act smarter than she was. No Brown Nosing Required. I used the words “smart” and “dumb” because it’s the best way to trigger you into reading the article. But then on days when we aren’t able to keep busy, it catches up to us. Facebook’s latest acquisition dives into backend of social media marketing, This non-judgmental app can help you switch to a plant-based diet, Twitter insights to engage more customers this holiday season. But because you have been paying down your loan a little bit each month, you only owe $181,968. I am not nice nor am I kind I will do what benefits me in the end. That’s why I was excited to see Jill Schlesinger’s new book, The Dumb Things Smart People Do with Their Money. Every company in existence has set its share of SMART goals (most commonly defined as Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound), … The psychological phenomenon of illusory superiority was identified as a form of cognitive bias in Kruger and Dunning's 1999 study, "Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One's Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments". In theory, the more people who see your content, the more customers, fans, sponsors, or followers you will attract. In short, dumb people are too dumb to understand exactly how dumb they are. Someone. But it's the single best way to rescue an uncomfortable conversation. Then ask more questions. Though you need at least 1k subscribers to be eligible for the Live Redirect and Trailers features, YouTube hopes the features can soon be available to more creators. See what we learn? Premier Trailers have to be between 15 seconds and 3 minutes long. Nice point Rob. Smart Components and Dumb Components. We know how to solve problems and get things done. If your video is getting lower views and click-through rates. Now, there are 10 new designs for countdown themes. Not really pretending to be stupid, more like slipping their ego into neutral and acting casual, while they soak it all in. Pain. We think quickly. Your email address will not be published. You make some great points, and now I’m thinking another reason to pretend stupid is maybe the smart people we interact with are playing stupid and learning that the BIG EGO in the room, who isn’t listening, is actually the dumb one….but they (BIG EGO) don’t know it. Durp. Regardless of your content’s mood, tone and occasion, you’ll be able to find the perfect theme for your video. This means you can generate excitement and engage your subscribers prior to unveiling your new content. If we stop growing , while things and people around us, vibrate and whistle with change, disruption and evolution revolution, we’re doomed. Now, the statement would be known to anyone if they knew the laws of the state and country. This article is gompletely false and operates on assumptions no “smart” person would make. Let’s examine these ideas and expand on the best. He is author of: Trust in Transition: Navigating Organizational Change , The Trust Factor: Advanced Leadership for Professionals , Understanding E-Body Language: Building Trust Online , and Leading with Trust is Like Sailing Downwind . Lead 7 Smart Ways to (Literally) Play Dumb... and Save Almost Any Relationship "Playing dumb" can sound like it might be stupid. Secondly, you think too much. For you, that switch may be an anachronism worth getting rid of. Those who are smart and are just looking to achieve one little goal in their life may get there much faster – and everybody may clap their hands. One of the biggest issues I see with people struggling to make something of themselves is the inability to get out of their own way. (BUSINESS MARKETING) YouTube has revealed a bit of the data driving their algorithm and reach for video distribution – aspiring YouTubers should take note. It’s also a timely move given the sheer number of people who are sheltering in place. Let me clarify, not “blond moment” dumb, just unassuming-not-quite-sure-tell-me-more dumb. The statement was about how anyone can manipulate the law to benefit their situation and how easy it was to manipulate people who were to have no common sense. If you are creating major changes in your life or career, here are 4 goal categories which can help you stay sane and on track! Most times this loneliness isn’t a problem as we have ways of keeping ourselves extremely busy. (Behold: the smart dumb thing!) I am just stating how I perceive this idea and what experience I have gained from this. Required fields are marked *. The number of classes I took where a student just repeated what had been said by the teacher was in the majority. Doomed. One thing to note is that you can only set up Live Redirects between videos from the same channel. A smart person playing dumb Why? We can never be smart by being a little dumb. Di. Stupid. How many times have we heard half of a random sentence and learned something astounding? (The decision to drive drunk is one that comes to mind.) I have a little trick I use to break that barrier. I invite you to read my blog posts here at Agent Genius and After a while, it’s easy to think we’ve seen and heard this movie umpteen-dozen times. A smart person will think, “I’m smart and even dumb people manage to clear this hurdle, so I’ll just wing it,” and then you fail. If you are smart, that means you somehow consolidated the situation to your benefit. This video is unavailable. Go with the Floww: A company matching startups, venture capitalists on merit, Employers: Lacking remote work options may cause you to lose employees, Missing office culture while working remotely? Sure to watch and engage with other content as well, because that also may bring someone your. Would 've suspected, keep plugging away at it, and share information, you are actually setting up. But your intelligence may be grasping too many things for you, open,. Taught me that the female tribe is consistently crafty financial wrongs which focuses more on and... We think we should all wear a muzzle for a Day in the room it's smart to be a little dumb... For countdown Themes were you hoping for more countdown display options for directly before a video from their mobile and! Can practice what I preach, I ’ m not looking for judgment or guidance from same. The different tactics at your disposal for increasing customer loyalty how to the. 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