a european strategy for data com 202066 final a european strategy for data com 202066 final

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a european strategy for data com 202066 final

INTRODUCTION. 5 0 obj   endobj Geographical coverage: global, with specific attention to world regions and Europe. x���Kk�@����w��y$ ��h-�(�i��k����fR��&�X�n����� ���f��m�5&��,H��$|�%d��,2�c_]'�*�w:��� 9S�x�f@A���0��c�)0�{\�����bn4א>Ґ�'�p!gр�����9vP�B0��������z�a��S�9�ch��iA�T%rIZB�E�ܝ�Z�U1����֞�k�������G�$XV�yv.�XUgx�O'Ϟ�G�Lm&�� (���I���]�����wqŨ+k���sK�S�dYr��*�m�'����f����r������b��@�Ӕ�� ��h <> These projection variants have been developed by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) on the basis of varying assumptions related to fertility rates, mortality rates and international migration (for details see the Methodology section). Essentially these three approaches consist of adding up the total value of incomes, spending or production in a country or region during a period of time. ESA/P/WP.228, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), New York, US. Introduction. The land take indicator address the change in the area of agricultural, forest and other semi-natural land taken for urban and other artificial land development. Data has become an essential resource for economic growth, job creation and societal progress. The indicator is used to illustrate decoupling of economic growth (Gross Value Added-GVA) from the environmental impact (nutrient losses).The indicator displays the percentage of change in emission of nutrients from agriculture  (expressed as nutrient balance) plotted together with the change in the gross value added (GVA) of the agriculture industry over the same period of time (between 2000-2011). Constant fertility 4 0 obj GDP can be calculated in three ways, providing different perspectives on the balance of economic activity. Related documents: Press release and Q&A on the data strategy; Factsheet Brussels, 19.2.2020 COM(2020) 66 final. Please make sure javascript is enabled in your browser. There is a clear need to improve the quality and comparability of data on Housing First across Europe. Even a small action can make an enormous difference when millions of people do it! Normal Constant as of 2005 – 2010 Division 17: Manufacture of paper and paper products International migration If above a certain rate of increase (threshold values) , this value can be used as a warning sign. Division 32: Other manufacturing Assumptions Sign up to receive our news notifications, http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=COM:2010:2020:FIN:EN:PDF, https://www.eea.europa.eu/policy-documents/com-2010-2020-europe-2020, European Environment Information and Observation Network (Eionet), Biodiversity Information System for Europe, European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register, Information Platform for Chemical Monitoring, Marine Water Information System for Europe, Fresh Water Information System for Europe. Low fertility Division 11: Manufacture of beverages European data spaces Geospatial data underpins and is ubiquitous across all the data spaces set out in the strategy. endobj Division 31: Manufacture of furniture Division 20: Manufacture of chemicals, chemical products Engineered by: Normal as opposed to rolling stock. Population includes all residents regardless of legal status and citizenship. endobj : SWD(2015) 61 final . Instant replacement fertility x��U�n�0��?�( +R�m�.�2�M�f�a�!��,@��I the demand of plastic raw materials. Division 15: Manufacture of leather and related products Building a stronger and more secure digital Europe Joint communication to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions - Cybersecurity Strategy of the European Union: An open, Safe and Secure Cyberspace (JOIN(2013) 1 final of 7.2.2013) Normal Division 32: Other manufacturing Normal Normal Population trends 1950 – 2100: globally and within Europe, Population is defined as the “de facto population in a country, area or region as of 1 July of the year indicated” ( UN, 2015b ). : SWD(2015) 61 final Subject: Joint Staff Working document - EU Sahel Strategy Regional Action Plan . endobj The following divisions from NACE Rev. UN, 2015b, 'World Population Prospects: The 2015 Revision — Glossary of demographic terms' Â. EEAS - European External Action Service - European Union External Action Medium <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>>>/BBox[ 0 0 455.17 296.98] /Matrix[ 0.15818 0 0 0.24244 0 0] /Filter/FlateDecode/Length 598>> The imperviousness indicator is defined as the yearly average imperviousness change between two reference years, as measured by imperviousness change products. In particular, we should deepen our cooperation with fellow democracies to counter the … Normal : SWD(2019) 444 final The aggregation of imperviousness values to reference units is performed using the LEAC CUBE method. Low fertility Changes in fish distribution in European seas. The strategy. The data shown in this indicator are expressed in 2005 US dollars in PPP terms. UN, 2013d, ' World Population Prospects: The 2012 Revision — Highlights and advance tables ', Working Paper No. from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Central Bank, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions and the Europea n Investment Bank Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy 2020 Delegations will find attached document SWD(2019) 444 final. The EEA Web CMS works best with following browsers: Internet Explorer is not recommended for the CMS area. European Scientific Journal November edition vol. This indicator considers the price of fuel in the EU, including cost price, excise duty and VAT. High • Data on Housing First were variable in standard and often imprecise. The table below summarises the eight projection variants as defined in the World Population Prospects: The 2015 Revision ( UN, 2015a ). endobj Projection variant Population change – Outlook from UN DESA. • Housing First is developing faster in some countries than others. EEA Plone KGS 20.11.21. Division 29: Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers The following divisions from NACE Rev. endstream The transport modes included are bunkers (sea transport), air transport (domestic and international), inland navigation, rail transport and road transport. Normal Medium If above a certain rate of increase (threshold values) , this value can be used as a warning sign. Division 12: Manufacture of tobacco products Division 11: Manufacture of beverages European Union Brussels , 27 November 2020 (OR. Normal The term “transport infrastructure” refers only to infrastructure that is open to the general public. Normal For rail, infrastructure includes land, permanent-way constructions, buildings, bridges and tunnels, as well as immovable fixtures, fittings and installations connected with them (signaling, telecommunications, catenaries, electricity sub-stations, etc.) The imperviousness indicator is defined as the yearly average imperviousness change between two reference years, as measured by imperviousness change products. This is, in particular, the case for discontinuous urban fabric, which is considered as a whole. The open public consultation on the European strategy for data ran from 19 February to 31 May 2020. OECD, 2015a: 'OECD Glossary of Statistical Terms - Gross domestic product (GDP) – constant prices Definition' ( http://stats.oecd.org/glossary/detail.asp?ID=1164 ) accessed 19 Jan 2015. May 31, 2019 By Hyon Kim. 2 Section C  (divisions 10-33) the following industries : are considered in the „manufacturing“:” Instant replacement fertility Normal President Juncker addressed the issue by establishing a “cluster” system, with seven Vice Presidents a… Medium Meta - The Data.gov Blog Data.gov at Ten and the OPEN Government Data Act. endobj Encl. High fertility <> Constant mortality Is of the belief that the data-driven digital economy does not require major changes to en ) 13209/1 /20 REV 1 SOC 740 ANTIDISCRIM 122 COHOM 94 MI 511 COVER NOTE No. we can send you a new one. Constant as of 2005 – 2010 transport networks and infrastructures; Division 27: Manufacture of electrical equipment Normal The figures presented in this indicator include population estimates for 1950-2015 and eight projection variants for 2015-2100. The Commission is determined to make this Europe's “Digital Decade”. If above a certain rate of increase (threshold values) , this value can be used as a warning sign. 8 0 obj Cion doc. The default reference unit is the country, but the indicator can be aggregated based on different spatial units. Division 24: Manufacture of basic metals Cion doc. stream Federal Data Strategy 2323 Action Plan 5 • Grace Levin, Management Analyst, U .S . Division 10: Manufacture of food products %PDF-1.5 Transport fuel prices and taxes in Europe. <> European Commission, 2010. Division 33: Repair and installation of machinery and equipment endobj The European Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases Nizh EUROPE WHO REGIONAL COMMITTEE FOR EUROPE - 61ST SESSION Baku, Azerbaijan, 12—15 September 2011 World Health Organization Europe BceMhpHaq opraHh3auh9 KOMhTET - CECChB 3ApaooxpaHeHh9 SaKY, A3ep6aVIA>KaH, 12—15 ceHT96pq 2011 r. EBponeücKoe perH0HaAbHoe 1 0 obj Market & Strategy GmbH helped assess waste collection and recovery data. endobj Constant price estimates of GDP are obtained by calculating the value of production in different periods using the price levels from a single base period. The change is aggregated for a certain reference unit and expressed as relative to the size of that unit (as a percentage). Division 23: Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products We give a brief example below for each data space. For inland waterways, expenditure on locks is included. Â, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) - Outlook from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). European Commissioner for the Digital Agenda Neelie Kroes announced the EU Open Data strategy, which will spur member states to allow the reuse of public data by private companies and organisations thanks to the modification of the already existing Directive 2003/98/EC.. For example, foreign conflicts impact European security through spill­over consequences such as the migration crisis (photo: Wikimedia/Ggia) ��G:h7���f��D�GR�C�8p���Y�%p�1d�����X���8M��{ ��m�H�ł�;B�;�g.n�W%�7�u�&_د0��&��S��5�q���x�0�M���. Division 31: Manufacture of furniture The aggregation of imperviousness values to reference units is performed using the integrated spatial data platform at EEA. International migration EU Global Strategy. Similarly, nominal GDP growth is converted into real GDP growth using the ‘GDP deflator’ (OECD, 2015a). The imperviousness change value for a 100 m raster cell is based on 100 m imperviousness change products, corresponding to the difference in imperviousness status values (e.g. Research or expertise from consultants completed gaps. EEA Web Team, Software updated on from version 20.10.13, Software version: This European data strategy serves to realise the vision for a genuine single market for data and tackles the problems identified through policy measures and funding, building on what has already been achieved in the last few years. No change The main drivers of land take are grouped as processes resulting in the extension of: Eurostat, 2015, ' Glossary: Natural population change ' Medium 23 November 2020 18:51 The default reference unit is the country, but the indicator can be aggregated based on different spatial units. Aspects of this were included in Europe 2020, the European Commission’s growth strategy (COM(2010) 2020 final). Low - A European Data Strategy to make Europe a global leader in the data-agile economy (February 2020), announcing a legislative framework for data governance (Q4 2020) and a possible Data Act (2021). The imperviousness change value for a 100 m raster cell is based on 100 m imperviousness change products. The summary report takes stock of the contributions and presents preliminary trends that emerge from them, focusing on quantitative aspects. Normal Normal When Jean-Claude Juncker became President of the European Commission he vowed to make the bloc a global leader in renewable energy. 'Nominal' is the price with no adjustment for inflation. Division 30: Manufacture of other transport equipment The medium-term challenges facing Europe include globalisation, climate change, demographics and … : SWD(2020) 289 final/2 Subject: COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT EVALUATION o f the European Disability Strategy 2010 -2020 Delegations will find attached document SWD(2020) 289 final/2. Applying these approaches using current price data will deliver an estimate of nominal GDP. Furthermore, indicator shows decoupling of economic growth (GVA) from the environmental impact (emission of pollutants).Decoupling indicator displays the percentage of change in emission of pollutants from manufacturing plotted together with the change in the gross value added (GVA) of the manufacturing industry over the same period of time (between 2004-2010). OECD, 2015c: 'OECD Glossary of Statistical Terms - Purchasing power parities (PPPs) – OECD Definition' ( http://stats.oecd.org/glossary/detail.asp?ID=2205 ) accessed 19 Jan 2015. transport networks and infrastructures; Division 27: Manufacture of electrical equipment Division 13: Manufacture of textiles Furthermore, the indicator illustrates emission intensity of the agriculture sector expressed as the amount of nutrient balance in agriculture per unit of production of the agriculture sector (expressed as one million Euro of gross value added). Data Visualization Primary and final energy consumption (2005-2017) and targets (2020 and 2030) Used in publications Publication The European environment — state and outlook 2020 Knowledge for transition to a sustainable Europe Encl. 2 Section C were considered for: 3 0 obj industrial and commercial sites; Instant replacement as of 2015-2020 A European strategy for data 1. 'Real' is the price corrected for inflation, using 2015 as the baseline year. To: Mr Uwe CORSEPIUS, Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union No. World regions are specified as defined by the United Nations Population Division Department of Economic and Social Affairs: Asia; Africa; Europe; Latin America and the Caribbean; Northern America; Oceania. Medium Division 22: Manufacture of rubber and plastic products Division 24: Manufacture of basic metals Constant as of 2010–2015 These figures are based on energy use in all its forms across all three main sectors, the heating and cooling … If you have forgotten your password, 8, No.27 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 The indicator illustrates both emission intensity based on total GVA (which includes subsidies) and emission intensity based on GVA, excluding subsidies. Medium fertility Achieving 20% of energy from renewable sources in 2020 is one of the headline targets of the Europe 2020 strategy. Division 23: Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products Division 18: Printing and reproduction of recorded media 2 Section C  (divisions 10-33)) the following manufacturing industries are considered: For example, for a certain country, a n imperviousness indicator value of 0.2 %, means that on average, an additional 0.2 % of this country's area has been sealed annually during the period between the two reference years in question. UN, 2015a, 'World Population Prospects: The 2015 revision'   Assumptions Constant mortality Food industry: division 10, 11 construction sites. Fertility Similarly, monitoring the indicator with satellite images leads to the exclusion of most linear transport infrastructures, which are too narrow to be observed directly. OECD, 2015b: 'OECD Glossary of Statistical Terms - Gross domestic product (GDP) Definition' ( http://stats.oecd.org/glossary/detail.asp?ID=1163 ) accessed 19 Jan 2015. We need straight-talk and determined action on democracy 24/11/2020 – HR/VP blog – With a ‘democratic recession’ underway and new threats to democracy emerging, we need to step up the defence of democracy, both at home and abroad. the ‘expenditure approach’ calculates GDP based on the sum of the final uses of goods and services (all uses except intermediate consumption) measured in purchasers' prices, less the value of imports of goods and services; - Ongoing evaluation and review of the fitness of EU competition rules for the digital age (2020-2023), and launch of a sector inquiry (2020). Food industry: division 10, 11 In line with Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community NACE Rev. Mortality For example, nominal GDP is adjusted to remove the effects of price inflation in order to provide a more realistic measure of changes in the volume of economic production. Fertility The main drivers of land take are grouped in processes resulting in the extension of: For references, please go to https://www.eea.europa.eu/policy-documents/com-2010-2020-europe-2020 or scan the QR code. The EU’s digital strategy aims to make this transformation work for people and businesses, while helping to achieve its target of a climate-neutral Europe by 2050. References The imperviousness indicator is defined as the yearly average imperviousness change between two reference years, as measured by imperviousness change products. Division 22: Manufacture of rubber and plastic products http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=COM:2010:2020:FIN:EN:PDF. Division 18: Printing and reproduction of recorded media (The UK does not intend to send a Commissioner to Brussels, reflecting Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s stated aim of leaving the EU on October 31, before the new Commission takes office, “come what may”.) Division 26: Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products endobj High fertility Division 14: Manufacture of wearing apparel 12. This indicator considers total energy consumption in transport in PJ from 1990 onwards. Zero as of 2015–2020 6 0 obj 'Average, all fuel, unleaded petrol equivalent (real, weighted by consumption)' is the consumption-weighted average of the 'All fuel, unleaded petrol equivalent (real)' line across the full time series. The aggregation of imperviousness values to reference units is performed using the integrated spatial data platform at EEA. Within this indicator this includes natural population change (the difference between the number of live births and deaths during a given time period) ( Eurostat, 2015 ) and net migration (the difference between the number of persons entering and leaving a country during a given period) ( UN, 2013c ). This indicator looks at the change in the amount of agricultural, forest and other semi-natural and natural land taken by urban and other artificial land development. These projection variants have been developed by UN DESA on the basis of varying assumptions related to fertility rates, mortality rates and international migration (for details see the Methodology section). An increasing share of renewable energy is not only necessary to decarbonise our economyRead More The two sides are committed to promoting the EU-China Comprehensive strategic Partnership in the next decade. Chemical industry: division 20, groups 20.1-20.6 <> Industry: location-based applications created to individualise customer wishes are already available and developing daily. Relative decoupling occurs when the growth rate of the emission is positive, but less than the growth rate of the GVA. Geographical coverage: global, with specific attention to world regions and Europe. <> 13 0 obj Shared Vision, Common Action: A Stronger Europe. Note: The reported land take change relates to the extension of urban areas and may also include parcels that were not sealed (e.g. Relative to the EU, including cost price, excise duty and VAT energy consumption in transport in PJ 1990. Intensity based on 100 m raster cell is based on 100 m raster cell is based on 100 m change... Union, imperviousness and imperviousness change products U.S 's strategy for phenomenological data analysis facilitates the optimisation of and! Common Action: a strategy for phenomenological data analysis facilitates the optimisation of processes and decisions innovation. For references, please go to https: //www.eea.europa.eu/policy-documents/com-2010-2020-europe-2020 or scan the QR code brief example for. The baseline year these approaches using current price data at Market exchange.... 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