summary of job 42 summary of job 42

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summary of job 42

Though the text does not directly identify its setting, internal clues indicate that And brethren, we need to be aware of this fact as well. I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear] God hath ordained, that as death entered into the world at first by the ear, poisoned by that old man slayer, Genesis 3:14-19, so life shall enter into the soul by the same door: for it is, "Hear, and your soul shall live," Isaiah 55:3. And you better believe that these three men – as foolish as they had behaved themselves – they do fear God and they’re going to make a bee-line to Job with those sacrifices in verse 9! Job was not sinning and he was praying. The Human Resources Specialist falls under Military Occupational Service (MOS) code 42A. There was only one problem with that arrangement in Job’s mind. It’s all up to the Lord though. And I can admit, I don’t want to accept it! Can you see things the way that God sees them and understand that you really don’t understand? And Job had been pretty much defenseless against them. But there is a marked contrast between how the author expresses the narrative and how Job speaks. Job 42:11 - Then all his brothers, all his sisters, and all those who had been his acquaintances before, came to him and ate food with him in his house; and they consoled him and comforted him for all the adversity that the L ORD had brought upon him. Because 70 x 2 = 140, which is how long Job lived after his trial of suffering. Will it speak to you with gentle words? In all our prayers and services we should aim to be accepted of the Lord; not to have praise of men, but to please God. His long lifespan generally corresponds to that of Terah (Abraham’s father), Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Each one gave him a qesitah and a gold earring. The devil had undertaken to prove Job a hypocrite, and his three friends had condemned him as a wicked man; but if God say, Well done, thou good and faithful servant, it is of little consequence who says otherwise. He's blameless and upright, and he has kids, a wife, land, and a bunch of sheep. He is “blameless” and “upright,” always careful to avoid doing evil (1:1). Your consistency is also remarkable. It’s not just hearing about God from his three friends or from his wife. Why is God angry at these three men?…. And Job started well. Why should he expect God to do so? [for/because] ye have not spoken [of/about] me [the thing that/what] is right. And this pastor had found himself in the book of Job and got to this point. I have found that summarizing and outlining helps me to better understand the Word of God. It is a practice I highly recommend to others. And in fact, you talk to the wife of this murdered missionary or you talk to the believing parents of this dear young child – and you’ll hear them speak of their trusting the Lord. And so, Job begins to demand that God explain himself. God can remain perfect and his people remain righteous – even when we’re suffering. Summary of The Book of Job. What approach to making money will increase it according to Proverbs 13 11? This brief summary of Job is also very useful for Sunday School lessons and Bible Study at home. He spoke as if he fully understood things that now he’s come to see he has no idea about. So, that’s how God rebukes Job and sets things right with that righteous man. And he would see them again. It has really helped me to understand the situations of Job, his three friends, the wisdom of God and many more. This is a summary of the forty-second chapter of Job, the most important verse, and what I think God is wanting us to do in response to it. We have what God has wisely orchestrated in our lives. He insists Job only serves God because God protects him and seeks God’s permission to test Job’s faith and loyalty. It answered so many questions for me. 42:10: Captivity - All his bodily distempers were thoroughly healed, and probably in a moment. Job's friends had wronged God, by making prosperity a mark of the true church, and affliction a certain proof of God's wrath. He’s going to experience acceptance by God in every way. What kind of wealth will be diminished according to Proverbs 13 11. Epilogue. Job is no longer rejected. Summary . So, I feel compelled to try to tie these names to some sort of meaning. And yet, somehow Eliphaz gets the direct attention of God. He generally spoke on God’s behalf and experiencing no rebuke from the Lord. In other words, here's the way I would say it: He was called an upright and blameless man, and yet that doesn't mean that he was a sinlessly perfect man. Overview: This job series covers positions responsible for technical and clerical duties requiring the application of specialized knowledge of procedures, techniques, regulations, and office automation systems. And yet, I think Job is pointing to a reality beyond that. Those things are not what Job needed to learn. – –1-2– –The historical background of Job – – 3-31 – – Job's dialogue with his three friends – – 32-37 – – the speeches of Elihu – – 38-41 – – God intervenes and gives His speech– – 42 – – the conclusion of this matter. Summary. Summary of The Book of Job. Job had referred things to the future judgment and the future state, more than his friends, therefore he spake of God that which was right, better than his friends had done. God said not a word about Satan. (7-9) His renewed prosperity. Ver. But we don’t have that now. Job 1 (King James Version) 1 There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil. He makes a statement that sounds very similar to one of the Psalms. These friends on the other hand were speaking falsehoods about God. Job again is repeating to God a question that God himself asked Job in the last few chapters. Job 42:5-6, "My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. Job recognized that God is the creator and he is just his creation. Maybe that also explains why he would begin each of the three sections of dialog between Job and his friends. Let me just put it rather bluntly – what areas of your life do you think that God is totally botching? Job’s friends not only failed to be there for Job in a supportive, loving way but they gave poor advice based on their misunderstandings of God. God is not apologizing about it. These men, who had considered themselves as wise! What happens when you gather wealth by labor according to Proverbs 13 11? And so the fact that these daughters of Job are named I think is significant. KJV Job 42:1 Then Job [answered/replied to] the LORD, and said. Job humbly submits unto God. Lastly, read about Job’s response to God and the results of his obedience and humility in Job 42:7 & 10-17. And while what we just considered bears implicit testimony to the physical beauty and charm of these ladies, verse 15 makes this very explicit. So then God took those things away in order to prove to Satan that Job was genuinely righteous and that God wasn’t somehow buying Job’s obedience and devotion. (10-17)1-6 Job was now sensible of his guilt; he would no longer speak in his own excuse; he abhorred himself as a sinner in heart and life, especially for murmuring against God, and took shame to himself. Hope I will get notes on the book of Jeremiah. In 42:1–6 Job makes his final response, confessing God's power and his own lack of knowledge "of things beyond me which I did not know". I don’t like this. Not Job. And one thing that Job really should have reckoned with is the fact that not all suffering is punishment. Self-loathing is ever the companion of true repentance. It is not what he expected. It’s the bark of a tree that is burned and gives off a really nice scent. The job summary of your job description should be strong and attention-grabbing. Where were you when this happened? But Job had come to learn to trust God’s wisdom. And certainly Job is speaking of physical sight. Job 42:5-6, "My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. We’ll be studying the last chapter of the book of Job today. And so, these three friends had not spoken orthodox doctrine to Job. The same contrast exists between the narrative passages and the words of Elihu, friend of Job. Although Job was unaware of the interaction between Satan and God, Job comes to the conclusion that God is just and good. But I think the idea here is twofold. And Cedarholm reminded this pastor that God did indeed restore double to Job even in the area of his children. 42 Then Job answered the Lord and said: 2 “I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted. In Job 42, we see Job surrender to God and repent. When the understanding is enlightened by the Spirit of grace, our knowledge of Divine things as far exceeds what we had before, as the sight of the eyes excels report and common fame. And so, because of the folly of these friends, God would be right to destroy them on the spot. Job responded to God’s discourse in humility and repentance, saying he had spoken of things he did not know (Job 40:3–5; 42:1–6). Job is a wealthy man living in a land called Uz with his large family and extensive flocks. They offered him sympathy and comfort concerning all … All of that is nonsense when it doesn’t correspond to the word of God. Job 42:10-17  “After Job had prayed for his friends, the LORD restored his prosperity and doubled his [previous] possessions. And so, Job says…. 3 ‘Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge?’ Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know. The LORD said to Eliphaz, "You have not spoken rightly of me, as Job has." Help the children understand that being a true Christ-follower means doing what is right even when others make false accusations. And that is enough for Job. 5 I [have/had] heard of thee by the hearing of the ear:[but/and?] 5:7). According to Job 42:16, Job lived an additional 140 years after his tragedies occurred, perhaps to around 210 years total. Job's estate increased. d. Surely you have instructed many … now it comes upon you, and you are weary: Eliphaz began to confront Job with what he saw as his problem. So, here’s a try. Chapter 19. Job's three friends discuss his suffering - Job 3:1-31:40. Job 42:7-9 (NKJV) And so it was, after the Lord had spoken these words to Job, that the Lord said to Eliphaz the Temanite, "My wrath is aroused against you and your two friends, for you have not spoken of Me [what] [is] right, as My servant Job [has]. 5. God doubled Job's possessions. God saw fit to bless him in his latter years. And the Lord gave Job # Isa. I despise myself, and repent in the dust of ashes. 11 Then came to him all his # ch. Nevertheless, it will be later found that the advice of Eliphaz and the rest of Job’s counselors was wrong (Job 42:7-8). 13 He had also seven sons and three daughters. And now he has this extra added bonus of actually seeing God. Lo and behold, Satan comes out and challenges God on Job's … Cassia smells nice. How would Job even begin to understand why and how God was working in his life the way he was? And most of those good things are reserved for us in heaven. He doesn’t know. Job finally comes up with something for which to repent (Job 42:1-6) 1 Then Job answered the LORD, and said, 2 I know that thou canst do every thing, and that no thought can be withholden from thee. Well, Job has one more confession to make in verses 4-6. So, may the Lord help us to trust him in good times and in bad. He's so worked up about it, he wants to etch his complaint in something more permanent than his mortal voice. When God was angry with Job's friends, he put them in a way to make peace with him. Book of Job ; Summary ; Chapter 19; Study Guide. If God – in his sovereign wisdom – chooses to bring suffering into the life of one of his faithful servants, suffering that servant will have to endure. Even though doves tend to flit around whereas a crow is a bit more confident, the flight of doves is more graceful than that of a crow or other birds. ~Job 42:6. He couldn’t make the world work for one millisecond! It’s because Job had heard and seen the Lord. It’s the divine author stating in no uncertain terms that God himself brought this evil on Job. (1-6) Job intercedes for his friends. And what was most difficult for Job was that God seemed to be punishing him. What help these folks could have been to the suffering Job in his hour of need! And then we were made aware of this meeting in heaven in which God brings Job to Satan’s attention. God commanded Job to hear. And then the Lord brought to Job’s attention two wonderful beasts that each were intended to teach Job something. So, that’s Job’s restoration in a summary fashion. And you know – all of these things will be made right one day when we’re with the Lord. Quick Overview of Job. So, Job’s second confession to the Lord is that he spoke ignorantly. And that’s when Elihu comes and is angry that the three friends have no charge against Job and yet they accuse him anyway. Previous Next . May the Lord bless you. And yet, instead, we’re going to see God be merciful to these three men and command them to sacrifice in verse 8. And after all of that – forty-one chapters that have taken us over a year to study – Job gives his final response to the Lord in verse 1 of chapter 42. remind you that God is in control; be a rare gift to God; bring you closer to God. Previously he has only heard, but now his eyes have seen God, and "therefore I retract/ And repent in dust and ashes." They had asserted that God always punishes evil and always rewards good in this life and pretty much immediately. It’s stated three times in this verse. And that he has seen and experienced God and therefore abhors himself and repents. So, this the first confession of a man who’s seen God and been rebuked by him. An Introduction to Psalms & Biblical Poetry; Psalm 1 Commentary. Only, Job wasn’t going to blame himself – because he knew he was innocent and undeserving of punishment. One day, Satan (“the Adversary”) appears before God in heaven. Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Concise), California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. A summary of Job, chapter by chapter, from @biblesummary. I want all tears wiped away from our eyes! 8 "Now therefore, take for yourselves seven bulls and seven rams, go to My servant Job, and offer up for yourselves a burnt offering; and My servant Job shall pray … And second, that God gave Job so much that he had an abundance to give to even his daughters. They, who wrongly urged Job to repent, must now depend on him to accept their repentance, and on God to fulfill Job’s entreaty on their behalf. 9 So Eliphaz the Temanite and Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite went, and did [according/just] as the LORD [commanded/told] them: [the LORD also/and the LORD] [accepted/had respect for/accepted the prayer of] Job. Draws great attention to Job or a sweet voice – pleasant scent – and physical beauty –! More like Job treated this dangerous powerful creature be diminished according to Proverbs 13 11 or—surprise, surprise—in a.! Upon his own terms we don ’ t have recorded here that Job had been worked... Over a year grieving the loss of his birth and wishing for death these are what... Marked contrast between how the author expresses the narrative and how Job speaks around the eyes one... So Job reaffirms his desire to plead his case before God in heaven Satan! 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