I like to eat animals. It is in the nature of all humans to consume whatever is available. Informații despre dispozitivul dvs. It's NOT becoz..... Scientifically both plants and animals are having one basic unit common i.e. Happy Mylotting it is harmful to eat non-veg but at the same time it balances the number of animals and als saves grains for vegetarians. Talk about stereo-typing and shitty rules. Hindu religious texts advise refraining from consuming non-vegetarian food. 1. The Bible records Jesus eating fish (Luke 24:42-43) and lamb (Luke 22:8-15). but it is sin to bear the hatred in your mind for any being or animal. Ganesh. The dietary laws for Israel recorded in Leviticus, chapter 11, which include, for example, a prohibition against eating pork, were given for specific religious and, perhaps, health reasons. Answer Save. Pentru a permite companiei Verizon Media și partenerilor noștri să vă prelucreze datele personale, selectați 'Sunt de acord' sau selectați 'Administrare setări' pentru a afla mai multe informații și pentru a vă gestiona opțiunile alese. See more of The Last Yogi on Facebook. Modern dieticians do not state clearly which diet, vegetarian or non-vegetarian, is superior. Hence we can digest veg food as well as non-veg food. 0 0. Eating non-veg food is considered as a sin in astrology because of the extent of the suffering of the animal when it is being killed. 2. Non-devotees are killing cows, goats and so many other animals for eating purposes, and a devotee, who is vegetarian, is also killing. “You cook at home?” Image Source. If fed forcibly, they might even die! God gave us this Earth - animal, mineral and vegetable, to live in and to use for our needs. 9. Well that is just my opinion, to each their own. și conexiunea la internet, inclusiv adresa IP, Activitatea de răsfoire și căutare când folosiți site-urile web și aplicațiile Verizon Media. I too believe in hinduism and eating flesh is sin. I think your relegion is good for you, but it is not for me, I am a christian. Email or Phone: Password: Forgot account? Because plants and vegetables have also got life. Priest: If you eat non-veg food, you share the karma of killing an innocent animal. How come eating non veg is not a sin,,you should not be allowed to kill an animal unless you are starving to death,? I'm not going to give that up because a bunch of people want to go against their nature and stop eating as humans have done for millenia just to save the "cute, cuddly animals." Well I am christian and I believe this: Eating non-veg food is considered as a sin in astrology because of the extent of the suffering of the animal when it is being killed. Sign Up. No it is not sin if you are born in particular surroundings where you are needed to eat non veg food. Not Now . Here's answering all your queries on the veg non veg debate from the Maestro himself Sadhguru veg vs non veg debate. Take Care It is a part of life. Manu Smriti 5.56. I look at this issue from a physiological perspective, though. Ganesh. 21 Jun 2011 Ask Deepak. Shree Krishna states in this verse that eating prasād (food that is first offered as sacrifice to God) releases one from sin, while those who eat food without offering commit sin. Ganesh, No I dont agree actually..and if someone wants to slaughter me and cook me up for dinner then I say have at it LOL Apparently we (people) taste like chicken LOL Their grasp of the subject fails to transcend the knowledge of vitamins, calories and proteins. The increase in the Tama component from a non-vegetarian diet leads to an increase in thoughts relating to various desires and other tamasik thoughts such as sexual thoughts, greed, anger, etc. Human being is a natural vegitarian animal but now has not sticked to it as other animals do. Anonymous. Ganesh, I think you are right that its matter of choice but what if your are only the one in lakhs of species who has a right to choose . Have baked salmon thrice a week. SIN or What ever it may be. Our religion is very differet from yours. Having said that, I would say veg or non-veg food is a matter of personal choice. But i do support current religious support as it would be help animals not to be slaughterred. but it is sin to bear the hatred in your mind for any being or animal. If fed forcibly, they might even die! After all the entire life cycle is a food chain. Christianity has the sacrament of the Eucharist, where bread and wine are consecrated and then partaken. Eating non-veg or meat has always been considered bad or wrong just like inter-caste marriages especially by the Brahmins in India. Facebook. 3.2 At a psychological level. or. If you think something is bad for you than you shouldn't eat it. Ganesh. Is eating non veg a sin? On asking why? Eating non-veg food is considered as a sin in astrology because of the extent of the suffering of the animal when it is being killed. ... it is not at all a sin to eat non-veg like it is not a sin to eat vegitables & fruits. I hope you all doing well in this quarantine. But no one has any right to degrade or condemn certain food just becoz he/she feels otherwise. In Hinduism there are no commandments. Paul. Some people say that we should not eat non-vegetarian food, because in that process we end up killing or taking lives. Non-devotees are killing cows, goats and so many other animals for eating purposes, and a devotee, who is vegetarian, is also killing. Its defiantly not a sin to eat any one to stay alive , if i eat my neighbours for living it will be correct move as it is required for my existence, but what if i get a choice not to eat them would i still eat them for sake of my flavor, if you share milk which cow produce leaving enough for the cows child its not hurting any one in any way , if you share fruit and vegetables from plants your are not killing them they are still alive , its matter how you what to see things , we are all creations of god like family if we share things for survival its the best way , Favourite answer. If we were meant to ONLY eat vegetables, we would only have molar teeth in our mouths like cows do. Jo-Anne McArthur/We Animals AFFIRMATIVE ARGUMENT The food industry is one of the biggest exploiters of animals and is responsible for mass suffering and death. finally its not question of Proving a wrong by displaying 100 other wrongs its a question of what is truly right when seen your self in place of others, it an old saying KING DOES NO WRONG , in all the species Humans are Kings try to do good when your are the strongest , animals wont come and tell their feelings to you because the are too afraid , Eating things other than vegetables is GOOD for your health. Animals are like our friends came here to maintain biological balance treat them with love and not with eating??? Update: If there's a God.. In reality, a non-vegetarian diet is just not the diet of human beings. I attended a session of a priest. May be, may be not. High intake of meat, especially has been associated with a significantly elevated risk of heart disease and cancer owing to the saturated fat it contains. If someone decides to avoid non veg food because they love animals, i fully agree with that logic. I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself: but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean Romans 14:14 Do not eat big size heavy-weight fish that will have high amounts of mercury. Why do you care? Like tiger, bears etc they all eat meat. If we were not meant to eat meat, why do we have teeth that are only possessed by carnivores and omnivorous animals. Now, more and more people are parading around their veganese dishes and shouting from the zeniths, “I’m vegan now! How come eating non veg is not a sin,,you should not be allowed to kill an animal unless you are starving to death,? And health wise, vegetarian foods are more beneficial than non veg foods. He wouldn't discriminate Update 2: Between an animal and a human. A healthy, nutritious diet is a varied one. Aflați mai multe despre modul în care folosim informațiile dvs. This video is unavailable. So in this way killing animals and eating them is non veg is sin as per Hindu Relegion from India? Have a boiled egg daily. Narak me jana padega (Eating non-veg is a sin. Hence we can digest veg food as well as non-veg food. Emotions creates thought. 3.2 At a psychological level The increase in the Tama component from a non-vegetarian diet leads to an increase in thoughts relating to various desires and other tamasik thoughts such as sexual thoughts, greed, anger, etc. Having said that, I would say veg or non-veg food is a matter of personal choice. But how come you say an egg is a non-vegetarian . However in humna-beings, we have large intestine as well as small intestine. By eating a non-vegetarian diet, since there is an increase in Tama component, it is more likely to cause various diseases. I’ve a question regarding non-veg food. Unless you opt for taking the vegetarian food. To all my vegetarian friends out there,don't feel like as if I'm dominating Non-veg over Veg. Why? ganesh44 I respect that you are of the indian faith, so please'let me say resp;ect that I am of the christian an ecological cycle has been maintained as because we eat non veg.....man ate non veg as his first meals, when he was a ape.. we all know that there were no gods, no rules, no religion, no marriages, no civilization..... in olden days (before 100000000000000 years approximately). Unless you opt for taking the vegetarian food. lets look at the teeth of animals that have veg..say cows, buffaloes. Due to his religious sentiments, he believes that eating non-veg food is like committing a sin, which will never be forgiven by God. Take Care First of all, in general, consumption of non-veg food items, by all people, under all circumstances is not a sin that scriptures will prescribe atonement measures for the act. If animals are available, I will be happy to consume them - especially if there's chili cheese fries on the side. Is non-vegetarian food healthy? If fed forcibly, they might even die! Manu Smriti 5.56. It is believed to be a sin to offer any foods that have meat, eggs or alcohol to the Lord. Now when I see a truck full of livestock, I feel a little bad because I know they are headed to be slaughtered for food. Happy Mylotting I’ve a question regarding non-veg food. Human beings have canine teeth. Ganesh. Avoid eating only non-veg food-u need high fibre diet and anti-oxidants as well which will come from leafy greens, fruits and vegetables. Take Care Accessibility Help. What the Scriptures say about Hindus eating meat? Atleast not with illogical/incomplete reasons! Relevance ♪¢αpη' ε∂ïß♪ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Lv 6. During vedic times, eating meat and consuming alcohol (somaras) were very much accepted among all, including brahmins. Happy Mylotting Not going to happen. On the other hand, carnivolous(non-vag) animals like lion, tiger have sharp canon teeth. there is one universal language that is Love every animal in this world understands. The reasons why Hindu Dharma prohibits consumption of non-vegetarian food are. LONDON: A diet high in animal protein may increase the risk of a disease which causes fat build-up in the liver, a condition that can lead to cardiovascular diseases or cancer, scientists warn. But this is the a strong belief in Hindu Relegion in India and seems right also .... that .....all animals has soul like us and feelings also ....it pains to them when they are caught and slaughtered .....and it is scintifically proved that non veg diet has many health hazards for human beings? A normal healthy diet would include fruit, cereals, nuts, grains, dairy products and meat. 1 decade ago. Eating non-vegetarian food is not a sin in Hinduism. it is harmful to eat non-veg but at the same time it balances the number of animals and als saves grains for vegetarians. Agree? I am more worried about things like little children dying not a cow who was put on this earth for food. Most of the people come up with the same answer. No it is not sin if you are born in particular surroundings where you are needed to eat non veg food. Is eating non veg a sin? Yahoo face parte din Verizon Media. For some reason if consuming non-vegetarian food is unavoidable. prin intermediul modulelor cookie și al tehnologiilor similare pentru a afișa reclame și elemente de conținut personalizate, cu scopul de a măsura reclamele și elementele de conținut, de a obține statistici privind publicul și pentru a dezvolta produse. Puteți să vă schimbați alegerile oricând accesând Controalele de confidențialitate. cell. Veg items are not responsible for reproduction and not giving birth to other live soul. Take Care They have their own culture and customs. Many people may not even look at healthy, plant-based eating to be a sin, but that is what this post will explore. For that matter even alcohol, maybe inmodrration. Eating non veg is sin or not you will decide yourself after reading this writ up : The difference between eating veg and non veg is, veg items are not completely live things (Yes they breathe, but only for their growth). I shall give you an example. 1. faith and my God has given us the lamb and the cow and the chicken and fish, andtold us to eat of these.therefore I eat some meat, lean of course, drink milk and eat eggs and lots Or that animals eat insects and insects eat insects? 1 decade ago. It has made me look at animals a little different now. If as per ur logic, flat teeth were for eating veg food, then what are pointed teeth for? and believe in God. There is a certain food chain happening. And the answer is, “Non-veg khana paap hai.Narak me jana padega (Eating non-veg is a sin… Ganesh. But we have something called mind, where the concept of holyness and unholyness develope. Happy Mylotting Eat chicken breast instead of chicken leg as fat is much lower in the former. Dailybhaskar.com | Last Modified - Sep 04, 2017, 03:52 PM IST Do YOu Agree with Hindu Religion and would stop eating animals? Log In. According to Hindu Mythology, it is a sin to kill an animal during their breeding season. Lv 7. You should not eat meat in navratri, which happens twice in a year. humans biologically vegetarians? I’ve read your books and some articles in the newspapers. Hey Guys! eating non veg is not a sin, when other source of food are rare. Watch Queue Queue. in assian age 3months … Having said that, I would say veg or non-veg food is a matter of personal choice. Tag Archives: is eating animals a sin Can I eat animals? Therefore, he felt that his religious sentiments had been hurt. It is said in Manusmruti, न मांसभक्षणे दोषो न म� Because God told Peter that it is not what you eat (goes into your mouth) that defiles you (is a sin) it is what comes out of your mouth (your words) that are sinful. of veggies and fruits too.Also i drink green tea for my'healths sake,We dont see this as sin at all. 21 Jun 2011 Ask Deepak. See more of The Last Yogi on Facebook. Tag your non-veg eating brahmin friends (And their family too if they don’t know about it ) As for health hazzard I am not sure about you but I know some vegetarians or vegans that are not as healthy. Current hindu philosophy, of course, say it's a sin but Lord Krishna never said so. Jesus miraculously fed the crowds fish and bread, a strange thing for Him to do if He was a vegetarian (Matthew 14:17-21). The Lord Krishna, in the Gita, never said not to take non veg food. Jolie becomes trending topic after dad's pro-Trump rant. With that in mind, I'm not sure that man eating animals is evil. In every religion, killing is prohibitive or very much restricted. Eating them should also be equally bad. Jīvo jīvasya jīvanam: one living entity is the life for another living entity. Happy Mylotting These are specifically for the tearing and chewing of flesh. - Since it is a very sensitive subject, I would like to be factual. According to Vedic Scriptures meat eating is prohibitive as any non-vegetarian diet (meat/fish/egg ) is simply an attachment of the tongue. Eating animals is cruel, unsustainable, and unethical, and people should make the switch to vegan eating. However, we do not have only molars. First of all, in general, consumption of non-veg food items, by all people, under all circumstances is not a sin that scriptures will prescribe atonement measures for the act. Jolie becomes trending topic after dad's pro-Trump rant. Why? I like animals. Me: Plants are also living beings. I recently became a vegetarian, but not for any religious belief. 3.3 At a spiritual level. Why Indians avoid eating eggs and non-veg during the monsoon There are a number of reasons Indians avoid eating eggs and non-veg during monsoons, health concerns being one of them. Forgot account? By eating a non-vegetarian diet, since there is an increase in Tama component, it is more likely to cause various diseases. Then he will eat you.” din Politica noastră de confidențialitate și din Politica privind modulele cookie. I DO however have issues with ppl who hunt for sport and meat farms that are inhumane with their methods...but other than that I have no issues...Of course I'm a HUGE meat eating kind of person..I'll take steak over salad any day LOL. Happy Mylotting Relevance. Going ahead, the digestive system of veg animals is such that they can't at all have nonveg food. Nope, coastal brahmins eat non veg, its common practice. I am sorry but I disagree with you. No. Gita only emphasizes about performing one’s dharma. Take Care There are some scientific and spiritual reasons behind not eating non-veg on particular months or days. A boxing farce: Ex-NBA dunk champ quickly KO'd But I don't begrudge anyone eating meat. You will go to hell).” Some of them even say, “In next birth, you will become chicken and chicken will become a human. However humans have flat as well as pointed teeth. Jump to. Why People Abstain from Eating Non-Vegetarian Food During Shradh. As clearly said in the following verse, giving up meat eating is greatly rewarding and is recommended too, but eating meat is "not that bad". Sections of this page. There is no sin in eating non-veg, but it is necessay for you to know why Baba gives divine understandings behind this. 14 Answers. Take Care Sadhguru Insights. How is it explained in the Hindu religion that animals hunt and eat other animals? Eating meat is a Tama -dominant act. So are we going to put them on an all veg diet. Hi Watch Queue Queue In this video I have discussed about eating non veg is a SIN or not. Regarding specifically eating non-veg, it must be resorted to only when nothing else is available to eat. Press alt + / to open this menu. Thursdays and Saturdays are also considered holy days when people should avoid eating meat. Is eating Non-Veg Food is a Sin? But here, significantly, it is stated that every living entity has to live by killing another entity; that is the law of nature. Some people say that we should not eat non-vegetarian food, because in that process we end up killing or taking lives. He told us that a verse of Bhagavad-Gita says that eating non-veg food is evil. Mysterious metal monolith in Utah desert vanishes. SO far Hindu religion is concerned, in the Mahabharat, we see Vhima and other Pandavs wasn't vegetarians, they used to eat meat al though they were very much close to the Lord Krishna. Create New Account. Eating non-veg food is considered as a sin in astrology because of the extent of the suffering of the animal when it is being killed. A boxing farce: Ex-NBA dunk champ quickly KO'd Is eating non-veg justified? Sin and Eating Meat. Noi și partenerii noștri vom stoca și/sau accesa informațiile pe dispozitivul dvs. Because '' food creates emotions. But, I do not identify with this reason. but killing an animal for partying and merrymaking is a sin. No, In Hinduism we have so many castes and sub castes. If it's against your religous beliefs to eat animals, then it's your prerogative to not eat animals. Happy Mylotting This question is being asked time and again since ages and since generations. Hence we can digest veg food as well as non-veg food. Alcohol cannot even be categorised as food. Similarly, non-veg animals can't at all digest veg food. Why is Eating Non-vegetarian Food On Tuesday A Sin In Hindu Religion? That is part of the biological/ecological balance as well. Sin and Eating Meat. It is believed in Vedic astrology that every living being (whether plant, animal, or human) has come to this world because of their past Karma's and they have to do spiritual practices so that they can clear their karmic debts & may get a better birth next life or … Similarly, non-veg animals can't at all digest veg food. if lions , bears, insects eat each other they are also eaten by some one powerfull then them are you ready to be eaten someone , so you see they are made by god with no choice , 4 weeks ago. Being and eating non-vegetarian is one of the worst things to do in India. But God created those foods to be eaten with thanks by faithful people who know the truth. So these are the lower forms of life they are not committing sin because they are following law of nature automatically because tiger has to be eat meat and cow has to be eat grass and fodder only. Bhagavadgita no where discusses about non-veg food - either in favor or against. Thus stating deficiency in service on part of Burger Hub and Uber Eats, he moved a complaint with the consumer forum. He described how eating non-veg food is disfavoured in Hinduism. I’ve read your books and some articles in the newspapers. As clearly said in the following verse, giving up meat eating is greatly rewarding and is recommended too, but eating meat is "not that bad". “When you fall ill, you’ll know because its such a sin” K. 10. or. Post Views: 1,985. Take Care Happy Mylotting To me, “non-veg” would mean “non-vegetable” (not vegetable, “veg” being short for “vegetable). health issue which compels us to go for veg foods rather than non veg foods. The findings also showed that foods containing fructose, such as soda and sugar, may not be as harmful as thought. Personally I have tried being a vegetarian (it lasted about 3 months) and I would much rather be an omnivore. However in humna-beings, we have large intestine as well as small intestine. they have flat teeth. Create New Account. That is why, it is prohibited in Hindu Dharma. 3. Mysterious metal monolith in Utah desert vanishes. Why eating non-veg is prohibitive, eating veg will also involve killing of non-moving creatures such as plants? Meat includes everything. Log In. God has not created non-vegetarian food for human beings. The act of eating meat represents the Raja-Tama-dominant foreign culture. From experience cows do not share the same feelings as humans do. Answer Save. 22 Answers. The question may arise whether we can offer non-vegetarian items to God and then accept the remnants as his prasād. Similarly, non-veg animals can't at all digest veg food. Eating Non-veg is not a sin but as Subi said correctly, if you kill a living animal for marry making it will be treated a s sin. But not eating non-vegetarian food is not restricted for only Tuesdays. Though bengali’s do eat meat during durga Pooja; Some don’t eat meat on friday too saying Goddess Lashkmi or Goddess Santoshi’s fast. You should try it, it will change your life!” According to the Hindus, it is a sin to kill animals to eat .but still some non-vegetarians among the Hindus kill animals and eat them.The killing of the animals is prophibited bcause it causes pain and cruelty to some lives . So other than religion and love for animals, there is a major factory, i.e. Ganesh. Here are 10 things that every Brahmin who eats non-veg experiences in India: It is in the nature of all creatures to consume. Hmmm...I'm not sure. Take Care A non-vegetarian diet makes one susceptible to the effects of negative energies and also results in sin. The answer is that eating vegetables is violence, and vegetarians are also committing violence against other living entities because vegetables also have life. Related Pages. ... 1 Timothy 4:3-5 — Some will say it is wrong to eat certain foods. However in humna-beings, we have large intestine as well as small intestine. 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