climate change adaptation in nigeria climate change adaptation in nigeria

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climate change adaptation in nigeria

Data were analysed using Ricardian, logit and cost benefit analysis models. The REMP is to be implemented in a manner that takes into consideration of the country’s sustainable development objectives as articulated in its national development policy documents known as ‘Nigeria Vision 20:2020’ and the National Adaptation Strategy and Plan of Action on Climate Change for Nigeria, NASPA-CCN . Explore the overview for a general context of how climate change is affecting Nigeria. Nigeria has ratified the 2915 Paris Agreement. Green Climate Fund; Adaptation Fund; DOWNLOADS. Greenhouse gas emissions are more than 50 percent higher than in 1990. In: Paper presented at the stakeholder’s workshop on assessment of impacts and adaptation to climate change, conference centre, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife 20–21 September 2004 Google Scholar This study, therefore, articulates novelties on adaptation to climate change, as well ascertains determinants of adaptation strategies used by fish farmers in Epe, Lagos State, Nigeria. Download. This rapid review synthesises evidence on the impact of climate change in Nigeria (geographic, sectoral, demographic and security impacts) and responses to address it (i.e. The Atlantic Ocean forms the southern boundary. A new study by Oxfam Nigeria and the West Africa Network for Peace-building Nigeria (WANEP) NGO has shown Nigeria’s economic productivity could decrease by up to 11% by 2020 and up to 30% by 2050 as a result of climate change. “The truth is no farmers are safe in this land. African Adaptation Programme (AAP) for climate change (CC) an initiative of the governments of Japan and Nigeria launched in October, 2010. A new study by Oxfam Nigeria and the West Africa Network for Peace-building Nigeria (WANEP) NGO has shown Nigeria’s economic productivity could decrease by up to 11% by 2020 and up to 30% by 2050 as a result of climate change. NIGERIA’S FIRST BIENNIAL UPDATE REPORT Download. Climate change is a global problem affecting agricultural production, a good adaptation strategy for this phenomena should be sought for increase agricultural production. Get this from a library! This study assessed gender dimension to climate change adaptation practice (CCAP) needs of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) farmers in Edo State, Nigeria. Nigeria & Climate Change Adaptation By Stanley Ijeoma(2012) Climate change awareness and adaptation in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. Its 923,800 square kilometres occupies about 14% of West Africa. The impacts of current global climate change vary, depending on the sector and the level of system’s resilience. The high rainfall in the region, coupled with the abundance of surface water and the flat terrain, create a serious drainage problem and makes road construction very difficult. Nigeria… The country lies between 4oN and 14oN and between 3oE and 15oE. This study therefore assesses farmer’s perception and their adaptation strategies to climate change in Ogo-Oluwa local Government area of Oyo State Nigeria. [Aaron Sayne; United States Institute of Peace.] The low-lying areas, which are generally below 300 metres, lie along the coast and along the valleys of the main rivers. The country’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) made under the Paris Agreement embodies the country’s efforts to reduce national emissions and to adapt to the effects of climate change. Climate change adaptation is extremely important in Nigeria. Poor adaptive responses to these shifts could help fuel violent conflict in some areas of the country. An endogeneity corrected stochastic frontier model which account for the endogeneity of adoption of adaptation strategies that is likely to depend on inefficiency was employed for the study. In order to minimize the negative impact of climate change on the ecosystems, water resources, socioeconomic domains, a number of adaptation measures are open to Nigeria. Poor adaptive responses to these shifts could help fuel violent conflict in some areas of the country. How climate change will affect Nigeria's economy The UK's Department for International Development commissioned a 2009 study that found that Nigeria will lose an estimated 10% to 30% of its GDP by 2050 because of climate change. climate change mitigation and adaptation, adaptive capacity and capacity development). Nigeria In order to minimize the negative impact of climate change on the ecosystems, water resources, socioeconomic domains, a number of adaptation measures are open to Nigeria. The study assessed the impact of climate change adaptation strategies on technical efficiency of smallholder rice farmers in South-west Nigeria. CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION IN NIGERIA AND ITS CHALLENGES IN AGRICULTURAL SECTOR: EMPIRICAL INFORMATION Abstract Climate change impacts and its challenges depend on a range of the climate parameters’ changes. Documents/Publications; Select Page. They are (a) freshwater zone (b) the mangrove swamps, and (c) the zone of coastal sands and beach ridges. The mangrove swamps, covering about 10,360 square kilometers and located to the south of the freshwater swamps, are sparsely settled. Besides supporting Nigeria through the training of a pool of experts on climate change projects development, the Workshop also aims to facilitate the implementation of the initial activities of the regional climate change adaptation programme. This guide outlines the key issues relating to gender and climate change adaptation, the challenges to gender mainstreaming in climate change policy and strategies for advocacy and action in the development and implemntatino of policy frameworks, with specific references to the Nigeria context. We use to have enough harvest to feed our homes and sell abroad. Unfortunately, knowledge of Niger Delta farmers about climate change leaves much to be desired. influencers of climate change. Besides supporting Nigeria through the training of a pool of experts on climate change projects development, the Workshop also aims to facilitate the implementation of the initial activities of the regional climate change adaptation programme. Majority of the farmers have adapted to climate change through diversification of crop types and varieties, changing planting dates among others also constraints to adaptation of climate change include lack of access to weather forecast information, high cost of improved and resistant varieties, and inadequate knowledge of coping strategies. Nigeria’s climate is likely to see growing shifts in temperature, rainfall, storms, and sea levels throughout the twenty-first century. CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION IN NIGERIA AND ITS CHALLENGES IN AGRICULTURAL SECTOR: EMPIRICAL INFORMATION Abstract Climate change impacts and its challenges depend on a range of the climate parameters’ changes. It is bordered on the north, east, and west by Niger, the Cameroon, and Benin Republic, respectively. The overall objective of the project, namely supporting low-carbon and climate change-resilient local development in Nigeria, will be achieved by supporting local decision-makers and planners to design integrated climate change (adaptation and mitigation) policies, strategies and formulate concrete actions and investment plans that promote long-term sustainability and poverty reduction in the context of … The Udi Plateau, which lies to the east, however attains a height of over 300 meters and this breaks the monotony of the coastal lowlands, which are also characterized by creeks and lagoons on both sides of the Niger Delta. “The truth is no farmers are safe in this land. The numerous water channels in this zone are bordered by natural levees, which provide the sites for most of the settlements and farmlands in the zone. Download. They range from education to inform and encourage behavioural change to changing location and use, preventing effects, modifying threats, and sharing loss. Climate Change Awareness and Adaptation in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria @inproceedings{Egbule2011ClimateCA, title={Climate Change Awareness and Adaptation in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria}, author={Chukwudemebi Leticia Egbule and T. C. Nzeadibe and N. Chukwuone and V. C. Agu}, year={2011} } Climate change is increasingly becoming a serious challenge to Nigeria's socioeconomic development. Data were collected with the aid of a questionnaire and analyzed using frequency count, means, percentages and t-test. Globally, and in Nigeria specifically, water availability is heavily impacted by climate change and it is evident that women will be much more impacted than men. The section which lies in the east of the Niger Delta consists of creeks and swamps which stretch from Opobo town through the Cross River estuary to the border with the Cameroon. Climate change turns to be unambiguously negative for Nigeria in the medium term with production losses, increase in crop prices, higher food dependency on foreign imports and GDP losses in all the simulations after 2025. The enlightenment campaigns will contribute to climate change adaptation strategies and address what Nigerians can do as a citizen to lessen the impact of climate change. The paper examined the extension service strategies in adaptation to climate change in Oyo State Nigeria. It also depends on the country’s social, Paper presented at the Stakeholder’s workshop on assessment of impacts and adaptation to climate change, conference centre, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife 20–21 September 2004 Google Scholar Climate change adaptation (CCA) is a response to global warming (also known as "climate change").. SDG13 targets to strengthen countries' resilience and adaptive capacities to climate-related issues. Climate change adaptation and conflict in Nigeria. Strips of sandy beaches and ridges, which vary from a few meters to 16 kilometers, separate the mangrove swamps from the open sea. This rapid review synthesises evidence on the impact of climate change in Nigeria (geographic, sectoral, demographic and security impacts) and responses to address it (i.e. Like many developing countries, climate change has become a major threat to the attainment of sustainable human development in Nigeria. This is commendable considering it is one of the top six greenhouse gas emitters in Africa. With an estimated population of about 120million (2000), the Federal Republic of Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa. Unfortunately, knowledge of Niger Delta farmers about climate change leaves much to be desired. 2004 ; Mendelsohn and Massetti 2017 ). The pilot phase of the enlightenment campaign started in 2008 with the annual celebration of World Environment Day (WED) 2008 tagged CO2: Kick the Habit. African Adaptation Programme (AAP) for climate change (CC) an initiative of the governments of Japan and Nigeria launched in October, 2010. Studies demonstrate that rural women in developing countries, for example, are more vulnerable to climate change as they have low adaptive capacity. A multistage process involving random and snow ball techniques were used to draw 120 respondents from 14 communities. influencers of climate change. Various manifestations of its impact are evident in Nigeria, which include increase in drought, scarcity of food instigated somewhat by irregularities in rainfall and over flooding. Nigeria… Dire futures are predicted for … The enlightenment campaigns will contribute to climate change adaptation strategies and address what Nigerians can do as a citizen to lessen the impact of climate change. Apata, Temidayo Gabriel ; Samuel, K.D. The implications of these challenges range from hunger and ill-health to migration. Abstract Climate change is a major issue around which global development policy is being framed over the past few years. France has pledged to invest €700, 000 Euros on educational research aimed at fostering collaboration on climate change adaptation between it and Nigeria. Because of low adaptive capacities and the projected impacts of climate change, a consensus has emerged that developing countries Abstract Climate change is a major issue around which global development policy is being framed over the past few years. We use to have enough harvest to feed our homes and sell abroad. Ezegwu, Chioma, Climate Change in Nigeria: The Impacts and Adaptation Strategies (December 30, 2014). The pilot phase of the enlightenment campaign started in 2008 with the annual celebration of World Environment Day (WED) 2008 tagged CO2: Kick the Habit. It also depends on the country’s social, West of the Niger Delta, the coastal areas consist of lagoons and swamps, separated from the open sea, by a strip of sandy land, which varies in width from 2 to 16 kilometres. Climate Change Adaptation and Conflict in Nigeria Summary • Nigeria’s climate is likely to see growing shifts in temperature, rainfall, storms, and sea levels throughout the twenty-first century. The Lagos entrance is the only major outlet through which the lagoons and creeks drain into the sea. Climate change is a global problem affecting agricultural production, a good adaptation strategy for this phenomena should be sought for increase agricultural production. There is no country that is not experiencing the drastic effects of climate change. Downloadable! Goal 13: Climate action. An endogeneity corrected stochastic frontier model which account for the endogeneity of adoption of adaptation strategies that is likely to depend on inefficiency was employed for the study. Keywords: Climate change, Adaptation, Nigeria, Suggested Citation: The freshwater zone, which starts from the apex of the delta, just below the town of Aboh, is essentially an extension of the lower Niger floodplains. Various manifestations of its impact are evident in Nigeria, which include increase in drought, scarcity of food instigated somewhat by irregularities in rainfall and over flooding. It is made up of three distinct subregions. RESULTS Climate change adaptation strategies mostly used by fish farmers include frequent seeking for early warning information about climate change (76.7%) and avoidance of areas susceptible to flooding … Global warming is causing long-lasting changes to our climate system, which threatens irreversible consequences if … NIGERIA’S FIRST BIENNIAL UPDATE REPORT Download. Climate Change Adaptation and Conflict in Nigeria Summary • Nigeria’s climate is likely to see growing shifts in temperature, rainfall, storms, and sea levels throughout the twenty-first century. The Niger Delta is a low-lying region, cut up by a complicated system of natural channels through which the River Niger finds its way to the sea. In terms of the country’s climate change spatial vulnerability there is increasing evidence that a few areas of Nigeria are receiving higher amount of rainfall while others are receiving far less than normal, while temperatures are also generally higher than long-term mean conditions. Explore historical and projected climate data, climate data by sector, impacts, key vulnerabilities and what adaptation measures are being taken. Abstract. CLIMATE CHANGE AND GENDER ACTION PLAN. Results show that impacts of climate change experienced by the respondents are The REMP is to be implemented in a manner that takes into consideration of the country’s sustainable development objectives as articulated in its national development policy documents known as ‘Nigeria Vision 20:2020’ and the National Adaptation Strategy and Plan of Action on Climate Change for Nigeria, NASPA-CCN . 1.3). Descriptive statistics was used in analyzed the data collected for the study. ... Download. The total length of the coastline of the country is about 850 km. Effects of Climate Change on the Environment and Agriculture in Nigeria The effects of climate change on agricultural production vary from one region to another depending on the prevailing climate of the region hence affects agricultural productivity differently. Because of low adaptive capacities and the projected impacts of climate change, a consensus has emerged that developing countries This study analysed the impact and adaptation mechanisms to climate change among forest communities in Nigeria using a survey of 400 households from five ecological regions of Nigeria. The phenomenon of climate change heralds distinctive challenges for sub- Saharan Africa’s urban areas, with economic, social, and health impacts, and severe effects on housing and inf rastructure. In addition to natural levees, ox-bow lakes are common landforms in the Niger Delta. ; Adeola, A.O. France has pledged to invest €700, 000 Euros on educational research aimed at fostering collaboration on climate change adaptation between it and Nigeria. -- Climate change, a growing number of voices in media and policy circles warn, is raising the risks of violent conflict in the twenty-first century. The Niger Delta region of Nigeria is known to be particularly vulnerable because of its fragile ecosystem and human activities such as gas flaring that have heightened the propensity of climate change and its impacts in the region. The highest areas are in the east, north, and west, where land is generally over 1,500 metres, 600 metres, and 300 metres respectively. climate change mitigation and adaptation, adaptive capacity and capacity development). Climate change and weather variations have been one of the major problems of agricultural productivity most especially among crop farmers in Nigeria. Responding to climate change from both mitigation and adaptation angles require strategic approaches from policy, regulatory and … The study was conducted in Nigeria to assess the Impact of Climate Change on root and tuber crops production among farmers in Nigeria. The most common manifestations of climate change in Nigeria are changes in precipitation and temperature, with the latter reported to have been above normal since 1979 (Ojo 2008). A basic causal mechanism links … A multistage sampling technique was used in selecting 96 respondents. Climate change is increasingly becoming a serious challenge to Nigeria's socioeconomic development. ( University of Benin Nigeria 2010) Challenges of Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change in Nigeria: a Synthesis from the Literature Anselm A. Enete and Taofeeq A. Amusa(2009) (Fig. The Niger Delta region of Nigeria is known to be particularly vulnerable because of its fragile ecosystem and human activities such as gas flaring that have heightened the propensity of climate change and its impacts in the region. The study was conducted in Nigeria to assess the Impact of Climate Change on root and tuber crops production among farmers in Nigeria. Analysis of Climate Change Perception and Adaptation among Arable Food Crop Farmers in South Western Nigeria. Addressing water-related problems is central to climate change adaptation and civil society. Green Climate Fund; Adaptation Fund; DOWNLOADS. Adejuwon SA (2004) Impacts of climate variability and climate change on crop yield in Nigeria. Poor adaptive responses to these shifts could help fuel violent conflict in some areas of the country. Available at SSRN: If you need immediate assistance, call 877-SSRNHelp (877 777 6435) in the United States, or +1 212 448 2500 outside of the United States, 8:30AM to 6:00PM U.S. Eastern, Monday - Friday. The system will contribute to long-term research and policy on adaptation by vulnerable primary producers in the region. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) defines adaptation as: 'the process of adjustment to actual or expected climate and its effects. The paper draws attention to the increasing degree of the impacts and suggests adaptation strategies for Nigeria. They range from education to inform and encourage behavioural change to changing location and use, preventing effects, modifying threats, and sharing loss. This page was processed by aws-apollo4 in 0.156 seconds, Using the URL or DOI link below will ensure access to this page indefinitely. Impacts of climate variability and climate change on crop yield in Nigeria. Climate change is increasingly becoming a serious challenge to Nigeria's socioeconomic development. Various manifestations of its impact are evident in Nigeria, which include increase in drought, scarcity of food instigated somewhat by irregularities in rainfall and over flooding. This page was processed by aws-apollo4 in. The study assessed the impact of climate change adaptation strategies on technical efficiency of smallholder rice farmers in South-west Nigeria. ... Download. In Nigeria, in addition to autonomous adaptation, there must also be planned adaptation and adoption of adaptation strategies. To learn more, visit our Cookies page. Suggested Citation, Subscribe to this fee journal for more curated articles on this topic, Development Economics: Agriculture, Natural Resources, & Environmental Impact eJournal, Agricultural & Natural Resource Economics eJournal, Political Economy - Development: Environment eJournal, We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content.By continuing, you agree to the use of cookies. The goal of the programme: empowerment of Nigerian children and youth as change agents through the acquisition of knowledge and skills on climate change has greatly progressed. Agriculture places a heavy burden on the environment in the process of providing humanity with food and fibres. Documents/Publications; Select Page. © United Nations Development Programme 2020, UNDP Human Development Indicators: Nigeria, Climate Finance Options (World Bank and UNDP): Africa, Nigeria's Second National Communication - In Progress, Climate Information and Early Warning Systems. Effects of Climate Change on the Environment and Agriculture in Nigeria The effects of climate change on agricultural production vary from one region to another depending on the prevailing climate of the region hence affects agricultural productivity differently. As the country strives to meet the food consumption needs of its rapidly growing population, agriculture in the country (as in the rest of sub-Saharan Africa) is expected to be among the hardest hit by climate change (Parry et al. These will include, among others: Diversification and extension of protected areas for the conservation of ecosystems that are most vulnerable to climate change and sea level rise; Maintaining ecological structure and processes at all levels and reducing existing pressure on natural ecosystems; Reducing population and ecosystem vulnerability to climate change and reorientation of their evolution towards higher resistance to the changes; Incorporating biodiversity conservation into adaptation strategies in the other sectors of the Nigerian economy; Establishment and maintenance of protected area (in situ preservation), and the active management of wild populations outside of protected areas (ex situ management); Development and implementation of programmes for restricted areas and buffer zones, resource harvesting on a sustainable basis, ecological restoration, sustainable management and agro ecosystems; and Monitoring to evaluate species and ecosystems stability from climate change perspective. CLIMATE CHANGE AND GENDER ACTION PLAN. Climate Change Adaptation Vulnerable groups can be more affected by climate change due to limited resources and low adaptive capacity (BNRCC, 2011). In a second part of the paper a cost effectiveness analysis of adaptation in Nigeria agriculture is conducted. The goal of the programme: empowerment of Nigerian children and youth as change agents through the acquisition of knowledge and skills on climate change has greatly progressed.

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